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The Institute for Logic and the Public Interest is a non-profit 501(c)3 education and research instituttion.

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About the Institute

Pete Cardon – Vice President and CLBC Director

cardonDr. Pete Cardon is the Vice President of the Institute and the Director of our Center for Logic and Business Communication. He is also the Academic Director of the MBA for Professionals and Managers program at the USC Marshall School of Business, and one of only 3 full professors in the largest and oldest business communication department in the US. Pete is a former president of the Association for Business Communication, and the author of a leading textbook on business communication.

In Memoriam – Doug Lenat (1950-2023) Distinguished Senior Fellow

Doug Lenat is one of the worlds leading computer scientists. In 1984 Dr. Lenat founded Cyc, a massive ongoing project to enable computers to recognize information that humans consider to be common sense, and is the founder and CEO of Cycorp. He has been a professor of computer science at Stanford and Carnegie-Mellon universities; and is the only person to have served on the Scientific Advisory Boards of both Microsoft and Apple.

Matt North – Director of Research

matthew north

Dr. Matt North is a former Fulbright Scholar and an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Technology at UVU. He has received numerous awards for scholarship and teaching, including the Ben Bauman Award for Excellence, the Gamma Sigma Alpha Outstanding Professor Award, and the UVU Alumni Outstanding Educator award. He is the author of two books, Life Lessons & Leadership and Data Mining for the Masses, as well as many journal papers, articles, and conference presentations.

Ronald Fuller – President

ronf2Ronald Fuller founded the Institute in 2017 to address opportunities in commerce and society that can only be achieved through logic education. His research has been presented to the Association for Symbolic Logic, the American Philosophical Association, the Joint Mathematics Meetings, the Data Management Association, and numerous industry audiences.

Prior to forming the Institute, Ron worked as an information management consultant and spent 6 years at Microsoft. As an officer in the Army Reserve, he served as Deputy to the CTO for US Central Command, Directorate of Intelligence, and as the Chief of Intelligence Systems for Afghanistan.